Articles about American Pit Bull Terrier
This system of dog education gained popularity still several decades ago, when preparation of tracker dogs was oriented to further participation of these animals in military activity and trace work. Nowadays these programs are used when there are particular competitions during which physical abilities and working possibilities of tracker dogs are identified; as well their ability to execute instructions of their owners if necessary. Test results indicate whether the training is effective or not and also how this or that dog is fit for breeding. Competitions according to the program “ Shutzhund” provide systematic testing of tracker dogs, in the course of which capacities for guard and trace work can be seen; intellectual and mental abilities and their accordance with specification on certain breed. Competitive results of every dog are estimated by experienced specialists. The deformities, peculiar to pit bull terriers, can be discovered only during similar tests. Guard and trace work: tests and tasks for dogs Testing of pit bull terriers as guard and trace dogs involves 3 degrees. Strict order is set for passing such tests. Each test is a check of working and hereditary abilities of the dog according to one-stage program (1, 2 or 3 stage). First degree of testability of pit bull terrier’s guard abilities is conditionally specified as SchH I- abbreviation of “ Shutzhund” (from German Shutzhund is protective dog). II degree is specified as SchH II, but III degree - accordingly SchH III. Program “ Fartenhunde” includes tests that identify working and hereditary characteristics of trace dogs. First degree of this testing is specified as abbreviation FH I, the second one – FH II, and at last the third –correspondingly FH III. Long training precedes the tests. Tracker dogs, among these are pit bull terriers, are allowed to engage in the both abovementioned programs only at certain age. So, the dogs which are 1 year and 3 months can participate in first stage testing according to the program “Shutzhund” or “Fartenhunde”; - the animals that are 1.5 year old undergo second stage testing on the both programs. - and at last the dogs at the age of 1 year and 9 months have the right to compete in the both programs. The results of dogs’ testing are summed up in line with total points they have scored. Highest mark on every program division is 100 points. Bottom line of the contests can be 300 points. The stunt is that when the pet scores 70 points in every division. If the dog scores less than 70 points even in the one division, the experts find grand total unsatisfactory. An owner of the dog can choose himself in which of the 2 programs (guard or trace) his pet will primarily participate. It is possible to begin with either of the two programs at that keeping the strict order of undergoing of testing grades: second grade must follow first one, but third one- second. Assessment “excellent” is awarded to dog if its total score is 288-300 points. “Very good” is graded if dog scores not less than 270-287 points, “ good” – if the score is 240-269 points, “satisfactory” – not less than 210-239 points. Several dogs-competitors happen to get equal amount of points. In such cases that dog who scores more points is the winner. These points are gained by dog when passing certain test divisions and on the basis of the following order (the program “ Shutzhund”): -guard capacities; -ability to execute commands; -trace qualities. During testing all the qualities of the dog are estimated. When testing the dog according to the program “ Fartenhunde” priority is given to the dog having max and the competition sequence is the following: -trace qualities; -ability to execute instructions; - guard abilities It is necessary to lead the dog on a leash during its demonstration. The dog should have only collar on which is not allowed to change by the rule. As well one can not apply some kinds of collars. While dog’s performing that or this exercise its owner does not have right to preconize it till its testing on this discipline is completed; Amount of the points scored by pit bull can be reduced by the experts in the following continue reading this article please click on here....