Multifunctional nylon dog harness for work with Pitbull/ Lightweight high quality sporting dog harness for everyday use
At last dog industry will see something singular as we have something unusual to offer for sale!! We manually make lots of dog accessories and every our dog article is unique. But today we want to introduce our new creation to dog handlers-handmade training equipment for strong stout dogs like APBT’s. It is Designer Heavy-Duty Nylon Dog Harness Featuring Great Characteristics And Eye-Catching Exterior. Besides being extremely beautiful this dog harness is very comfortable and practical. Use it whenever you like without caring for the weather. It is weatherproof dog gear that will not get out of order because of rainy or snowy weather. It is a multitasking dog wear meant for different purposes. Top grade nylon dog harness is right that dog ammunition. It is most reliable outdoor wear to be used day by day. It will look as new after many applications as it made in accord with safety and quality standards.
Do you want your Pitbull to be forever and ever gorgeous, fashion and stylish? Want to never to be out of conceit with the gear’s service? Then you need to pay your attention to this hand crafted dog harness that will serve you many years. Your dog will like wearing it as it does not interfere with the dog’s movements and other natural needs. It is quite new model of field dog harness suitable for training, sporting events, walking and work with Pitbull. It was intentionally engineered for this dog breed inclusive of his anatomical peculiarities. Further we will consider the harness’s brilliant characteristics and conclude why its benefit is invaluable.
Your dog will be equipped best of all if you get this harness for him!
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Pitbull dog breed nylon harness its perfect for walking, running, hiking

Fashion nylon dog harness is an ideal training equipment

Brand nylon dog harness is meant for individual or special needs
Key features of this Pitbull Dog Harness: - Top quality double ply neoprene nylon
- Upgraded design
- Ultra lightweight
- Four way adjustable
- Felt padded breast and back plates
- Durable and long lasting
- 3 steel nickel plated D-rings (2 side rings for pulling work)Â
- Easy quick release strong buckle
- Wide straps
- Heavy-duty stitching
- Very comfortable
- Heavy-duty upper control handle
| Intended use of this Pitbull Dog Breed Harness: - Obedience Training
- Tracking / Hunting
- Schutzhund / Guard Dogs
- Emergency Rescue Dogs
- Leash/Off leash Walk/Work/Training/Education
Sizes available: - Extra extra small
- Extra small
- Small
- Medium
- Large
- Extra large
| Available colors: |
It is reasonable to discover the harness’s nature in detail and now we are gonna attend to the issue
It has plenty of advantages but you will know only several of them right now as this page is not spaceless to be overfilled with information. We will speak with you in live chat with pleasure if you want us to tell more and more about this product..
Only several benefits of this exclusive dog harness are being mentioned below…
Improve your dog’s education-let him grow healthy and happy! Happy life of your Pitbull is sure to be if you make him busy-busy with interesting task but not just running or jumping like he was stung by a wasp..If he does a lot of running it is not bad but all should be done moderately. Obligatory studying is to be mastered by your intelligent Pitbull as he should develop his inborn abilities.
Most unusual dog harness is offered to Pitbull’s owners!! It has figurate front breast plate. This pad offers additional stability of the pulling harness and provides a surface that will conform to your Pitbull’s body for him to pull against thus enhancing performance. In this harness your dog will be most stylish canine.
It was designed to make your dog well-behaved and properly trained. With this harness on your dog will not feel bad as its configuration is ideal. It is well-fitted dog wear with many way adjustable straps. It is an additional strap that goes between front legs of the dog. Load is distributed evenly over the dog’s body because of this extra strap.
The handle for instant control over your pet. It will be of great use when passing a road with your dog or if you need to check your dog and you have no time for leashing him. The handle is easy to grab. It is heavy-duty convenient handle. Due control over your per is guaranteed with this useful dog harness!