Articles about American Pit Bull Terrier
.One may think that a puppys scent is the reason why puppys get the "puppy license" from older dogs, where they are not corrected for unwanted behavior until they reach a certain age. Scentmarking can have many causes to a dog, they can claim territory, mark it's home, tell something about their identity, their sexual and social status (i.e. if a female is in heat). What information canines exchange through their marking isn't known in it's entirety, but there is no doubt that there is a lot of information in some dogpee!
To come close and even touching each other can to a dog mean everything from an intimate contact to a challange to a fight. The situation combined with other signals determines if it's about threat, challange or love. A dog can seek body contact with another dog while it also shows signals of submission - or signals which obviously tells it wants to play. In these cases, this close contact will not be interpreted as a threat by the other dog. But if a dog is stiff and hard when it comes close, or even tries to touch another dog with a paw on the shoulder, fights can arise. Us humans function the same to some extent. Unexpected body contact is taboo in most cultures, we don't let strangers on the street some over and touch us? That can make us react with fear or anger. But we still appreciate touch, cuddles and caresses. We even have a very odd urge to touch every dog we meet! Touch is also important when it comes to general health, and also as therapy. Studies show that people who have dogs or cats as pets are generally healthier, have less psychological problems, and communicate better at a non-verbal level, than people without start reading this article from the beginning please click on here...