18.5 inches long and 9 inches wide

Train targeting easily with our Jute Bite Wedge Tug Toy with Hidden Handles.
You will love building wide strong grip of your young dog with this grip building bite wedge
We also make central handle which is stitched strong in the center. Why you need it? It is more natural way to allow your dog play with bite wedge before releasing it as reward. This will help to train stronger grip.
WARNING - I heard about many cases where cheaper wedges lose their small leather circles which protect metal part - be careful. this will not happen with our wedge.We use dog safe jute to make our Bite Wedge. Padded hidden handles placed safely for your additional protection.. Correct presentation never was as easy as it is now, due to smart handles design and positioning. Your hands are better protected from
accidental bites with our hidden handles design. This bite wedge will help you to train your dog before your dog is introduced to adult bite sleeve. You will find it easy to make first steps in Schutzhund training, where
targeting and full grip are so important. Giving wedge as reward is just like 1, 2, 3. Release left hand, release right hand and enjoy watching your dog play with it. Because we make our bite wedge not too
soft and not too hard your dog will not get discouraged during targeting problems work out.
General "Woof" Tip: Please note that there are many imitations and fake products available at other websites which do not answer to high quality standards.
WARNING - some companies make this tool without central handle - well it is good way to cut down on cost because you need more material and special heavy duty machine to make strong stitching.But it will also makes wedge less functional. Think about this when you choose where to purchase your bite wedge.Angle and bite surface area remind of adult sleeve but a little smaller. You will find fast that it is enough and you will love the fact that it is so easy to present wedge to your dogs mouth.
It is kind of a trick. First you prepare right angle and try to give your dog feeling of full grip, then your dog will be ready to do it on his own with adult sleeve and real Schutzhund helper.
WARNING - we use fiber tech jute which is one of the strongest and safest jute materials on the market. we do not use polypropylene padding!!!So let’s summarize what we have learned about this product and why you want to get it for your successful training.
This two handles tug/wedge bite/grip developer is cool and simple tool to teach your dog 3 things.
1.To bite in the right spot - biting bite bar of the sleeve in the middle is very important
2.To bite with full grip mouth - when mouth is open and there is no space between edge of the bite bar and dogs mouth
3.To bite at right angle.
General "Woof" Tip: Don’t forget to check other products we make.We make handmade dog training equipment bite tugs, bite sleeves, training leashes, working collars ,training harnesses and muzzles.Handles design will allow you and your dog to work out easily without hassle.
You will present wedge to your dog in different angles and your dog will achieve full mouth bite with strong grip fast and easy.
You will teach your young dog to open wide and grip hard. Your dog will make transition from bite tugs to intermediate or adult sleeve via smart wedge training.
...to start reading this article from the beginning please click on here....At descent upon the dog the assistant should simulate a lick of a stick, but the dog’s response to this action must be quick. The big drawback is a weak snatch of pit bull, which is performed with anterior teeth only. The most number of points to be scored for that exercise is 30. Exercise 3. Detention of the assistant while his running This exercise is performed according to the rules applied to first-order testing on the program “Shutzhund”. The most number of points accrued is 50. Exercise 4. Search of the assistant and his guard On performing the previous exercise, the guide must come to the assistant at the distance of about 3 m and give the dog the command: “Come here!” Once the dog runs up to him, the next command: “Lie!” is given which must be executed quickly and clearly. Then there is a search of the assistant. For the rest, the conditions under which this testing is performed are similar to those applied to the same testing of I degree according to the program” Shutzhund”. The most number of points to be earned for this exercise is 10. The program “ Fartenhunde” (II degree) This degree includes 3 divisions: A-trace work; B-obedience; C-testing of guard abilities Trace work (division A) 2 hours before this testing the trace line (unfamiliar trail) about 2 km long is laid on within the ground. This line must contain 10 angles, 8 angles are 90 ° each and the other 2 ones are 45 ° each. 4 straight sections of the scheduled route are cut with one more diversionary trail. 5 objects are disposed in different places of the trace line, including the last one at the terminus of the distance. Otherwise, this testing is performed in accordance with the rules applied to the same testing of I and II degrees on the program “Shutzhund”. The most number of points to be earned by the dog for performance of trace work is 100, among them working out of trace line- 68 points, detection of the objects – 32 points. (8 points is given for third object and every 6 points for the rest). Obedience (division B) Testing of pit bull terrier’s skills as on division B and their evaluation according to the abovementioned rules on the program “Fartenhunde” degree I. Testing of guard abilities (division C) Testing of the dog’s skills by division C and their evaluation are executed in accordance with abovementioned rules of degree I on program “Fartenhunde”. Program “ Fartenhunde” (III degree) This degree involves 3 divisions: A –trace work; B-obedience; C-testing of guard abilities. Trace work (division A) 3 hours before testing the trace line (unfamiliar trail) 3 km long is laid on within the ground. It must contain 16 angles, 12 of them are 90 ° each, and the remaining 4 are 45 ° each. Eight straight sections of the route are to cut with distracting trace line. 6 objects are placed at the different parts of the distance, to be more exact, at the second, forth, ninth, thirteenth and fifteenth ones. The requirement is that the second object to be placed must be of wood, but the fifth- of metal. The last object is placed at the terminus of the distance. Otherwise this testing is performed in accordance with the rules applied to the tests on the program “Shutzhund”, degrees I and II. The most number of points to be scored for performance of this exercise is 100, among them working out of the trace line- 68 points, detection of the objects gives 32 points. (8 points are given for second and fifth objects and every 4 points- for the rest)..
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