1.Reduces contact with water
2.Protects against excessive light reflection
3.Collar makes less noise
4.Does not look like pinch collar - looks like regular collardog collar size: 3.90mm,10 links,25 inch(65 cm) additional link 1 4/5 inch( 4.5 cm)
...to start reading this article please click on here... When considering introductions, remember that some pit bulls do not enjoy the company of other dogs and it may not be advisable in some situations to introduce dogs at all. Respect each dog's personality and do not push dogs to 'be friends.' HOW TO INTRODUCE YOUR PIT BULL TO ANOTHER DOG Parallel leash-walking, on neutral territory with two handlers, is a great way to introduce dogs. Neutral territory means an area where neither dog has been or where neither dog resides. An unfamiliar, neutral territory is best to avoid territorial behavior in either dog.
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