Our Store Introduces Leather Padded Dog Harness for your Pitbull
Leather Padded Dog Harness Handmade exclusively by our craftsmen.
This Comfort Padded Dog Harness is adjustable several ways so you can use it while your dog gains more weight or goes on diet or grows.
This is not kind of harness your dog will be able to escape when it is perfectly fitted and adjusted
You can use this harness for tracking,walking,training and agitation dog training
It can be good for developing muscles of your Pitbull or just for fun!!
Check the video review for this Pitbull Harness
Straps are 1 1/4 inch wide, and assembled using capped rivets for extra durability.
Made of finest quality soft and strong leather with nickel buckles and rings that won't rust for long life.
D ring is stitched and rivetted so it won't pull out.
Comfort Padded Dog Harness for PitbullGeneral "Woof" Tip: We are running family based business. What does it mean for you? Everyone cares around here. Cares about making the best stuff in the world to be proud of, cares about shipping fast so you can get your order while you still excited and cares to help when you need assistance after purchase is made – whatever it is, simple return for refund or inquiry about custom adjustment and exchange.
Check how this harness looks on Pitbull / Our Video

Difference of opinion as for the breed resulted in formation of own association by some breeders headed by Guy Mccord already in 1909–American Dog breeders Association (ADBA). In 1951 Frank Ferris took charge of the association, but in 1976 the foremost pitman Ralph Greenwood came to power and crowned ADBA. His wife and children assisted him. After death of Ralph Greenwood his daughter Kate Greenwood has successfully run the Association. Originally ADBA was a purely American organization but then it became an international one. Now pitmen from every corner of the globe register their dogs. American legislation does not allow ADBA to support the people using pit bulls according to the purpose specified. Major problem of ADBA is maintenance of registry studbooks and outreach activities that make it possible for the breed to exist legally and succeed. An essential constituent of this work is carrying out of formal events with participation of pit bull terriers. These are conformation-show (exterior benches) and weight pulling (competitions on pulling of heaviness). American pit bull terrier was a very popular breed in 1880-1930. During that period of breed popularity one managed to preserve its true nature. When American pit bull terrier became a customer breed (i.e. popular) fortune turned its back on the dog. Many individuals lost their physical and psychic characteristics than belongs to natural American pit bull terrier. This occurs due to the fact that market oriented breeders rear the dogs only for customer market. True breeders come across difficulties during that anxious time while working on the breed. The fact, that all generation of young people have never seen present American pit bull terrier, horrifies. But meanwhile these people can consider themselves “breeders of pit bull terriers”. The purpose of this division is to bring to the attention of new generation that true American pit bull terrier must always possess the same qualities as former dog and actual breeders do their work so as not to back out of initial things. Breeders living in country of the breed raise the alarm ….American pit bull is close to elimination ..the breed loses its working qualities and becomes just one among many…. During last 50 years pit bulls suffered great change. Descendants of bull dogs and terriers that some time ago had powerful jaws and better opportunities in order to do important work (capture and bring half-wild bulls and pigs) were rapidly destroyed at the turn of 20th century to such extent that are unable to carry out original work.