Articles about American Pit Bull Terrier start reading this article please click on here... Squirrels, opossums, raccoons, and rodents of many types will come in, followed by those who dine upon them. People with pets or kids need to know what they are looking at and what their pets or kids may be about to poke at or pick up. Preventive Options Using "snake-bite vaccine" may be useful if you're in a part of the country that has lots of venomous snakes, in addition to training your dog. A snake bite vaccine has been created by Red Rock Biologics. The vaccine creates protective antibodies, and those antibodies can neutralize venom immediately. Red Rock states that, on average, antibody levels in recently vaccinated dogs are comparable to treatment with three vials of antivenin. So, if the vaccinated animal is bitten by a Western Diamondback, it will need less antivenin than if it had not been vaccinated. The bitten pet will still need to be examined by a veterinarian to determine just how much treatment will be necessary. The vaccination may not help if the animal was bitten by a different venomous snake since the vaccine is pretty venom-specific. Red Rock Biologics is developing vaccines for other snake continue reading this article please click on here...