We used hidden plastic durable tube to make this arm reinforced, NK material is a basis of bite bar which will make it easier to train younger dogs. This hard agitation sleeve is durable, yet lightweight – compare to competition before you purchase. You have to try this sleeve only once to realize how incredibly comfortable this arm compared to other agitation or bite arms used in the dog training around the globe.Our unique hard arm is designed to fit on the left arm for right-handed helpers. We also have same version of the sleeve for left-handed helpers to wear on the right arm. You can select this option during ordering – confused? Just call or email to get instant help.The sleeve cover should be ordered separately – please don't forget to order matching sleeve cover.

New to protection training? While most of the hard sleeves around should NOT be used on dogs that are younger than 12 months old our hard sleeve can be used for younger dogs as well due to adjustable tri level bite bar. Normally a dog has to be at least 12 months for his head and jaw to be big enough to go around the hard sleeve and you have to purchase up to 3 different sleeves. Not with our brilliant x-sleeve – it is like to get 3 sleeves in one!!! And it comes with several ways adjustable padded handle inside to make your training experience and performance as smooth as possible.

Please, pay attention that this model of bite sleeve is used with a cover ONLY! Otherwise, we do not bear any responsibility for the condition of the sleeve that is used without a cover! Sleeve cover Made of French Linen Sleeve cover Made of jute
...to start reading this article from the beginning please click on here....When running, he must hold the protective tube in front of himself. On approaching the dog for 10 m, the assistant strikes at it with a whip as if to inflict a blow. On the instant the dog grasps him to prevent attack. When the dog snatches the assistant he should switch it and then check himself. Pit bull terrier must unclench its teeth itself without additional commands or any secret signs. If the dog does not leave “the arrested one” to go, the guide may give it the command: “Yuck!” 20 seconds after pit bull lets the assistant go, the guide comes to him, stops about 3 m away from him and gives the dog the command: “Lie!” . The command must be executed quickly and neatly. The most number of points for this exercise is 35. Program “ Shutzhund” (III degree) III degree of program “Shutzhund, the same as the two previous degrees, is divided into 3 sections: A –trace work; B- obedience; C –testing of guard abilities. Trace work (section A) An hour before performing of this exercise trace line (strange trail) 1.5 km long is laid within training area. It must have 5 angles: 4 of them are 90 ° each, the fifth is 45 °. The first straight track leg is to intersect the second strange trail to be distracting. 3 objects are put in different places in the trace line. The dog must find these objects. One of them is positioned in the second straight run, the other is in the forth, the third one is at the end point of the route. This exercise is performed according to the rules applied to the testing on trace work of I and II degrees. The most number of points to be charged for this exercise is 100, including 76 points for working out of trace route; detection of the objects gives 24 points (8 points are charged for each object). Obedience (section B) The highest point summarizing the results of all the exercises from this division is 100. Exercise 1. Leading the dog without a leash and shot response testing. This exercise is performed in accordance with the rules applied to the testing of II degree. The difference is that the turns during movement must be done 2 times. The most number of points charged is 15. Exercise 2. Shift from running to sitting down. This exercise should be performed while running; the remaining rules are similar to test conditions of II degree. The most number of the points accrued is 10. Exercise 3. Shift from running to stopping This exercise must be performed while running; the remaining rules are similar to test conditions of II degree. The most number of points to be scored is 15. Exercise 4. Bringing an object after unsupported jump over a barrier (barrier height is 100 cm, its width is 150 cm, weight of the object to be brought is 0.65 kg). This exercise is performed in accordance with the rules applied to first-order testing..
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