How to deal with Pitbull Skin Problems?
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June, 30, 2014
Hope you are doing fine.
Today we are going to discuss dog skin problems. Pitbulls like all dogs may also have such problems. The reasons may be different. For example, many Pits suffer from allergies, rash or skin irritations. Sometimes, fleas or ticks may be the reason for skin problems.
Veterinarians suggest as basic preventions for dog skin problems baths, brushing and grooming. They say that generally, baths should be given once or twice a year. Dog vets advise to brush your Pitbull about 10 minutes each day and clip its toenails as needed. It is also recommended to regularly check the coat, ears, feet pads and toenails for signs of any problems. It is strongly advised to consult a veterinarian if you are not sure how to treat the skin, but you see that something is wrong with your Pit.
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