Articles about American Pit Bull Terrier start reading this article please click on here... Scenario: A dog afraid of garbage cans. Use a two-finger target to get her closer and closer to the garbage can. Keeping her moving by backing up maybe 2', then 4', then 6'. Build up a rhythm doing it, both with your bridging and your movement. After the third one, give her a brief rest, then repeat. Smaller steps in the beginning will make eventual success sooner! Scenario: A dog afraid of the vacuum cleaner. Set a goal of teaching the dog to push the vacuum, by naming a body part, and asking for the named body part to touch the vacuum. At the same time, diminish any undesirable behavior involving the vacuum. Scenario: A dog afraid of strangers and eye contact. When dog is young, it exhibits flight reactions to stress, i.e. it is unable to stay in one spot under stress.