If the female is ill-natured she must have a muzzle on which is to be removed when the pups begin suckling. The nurse should be held by the collar at that. If she licks all the puppies, it means that everything is all right and it is possible to take the collar down. If this trick proves useless, the female should be shown out of the room for 10-15 min again and it needs to repeat the manipulation with adding the pups to her. Usually the female accepts strange kids though sometimes this procedure must be repeated two or three times. However, it happens that female-nurse does not want to put up with apparition of new puppies among her kids and does not accept them. Then it is possible to nurse the little beggars with artificial feeding. There is a formula of artificial feeding for nursing of puppies: -800g of caw milk; -200 ml of top milk; -a chicken egg; -20 ml of 40% fruit-sugar solution; -3 ml of 5% cevitamic acid solution; -2 drops of Solutio oleosa of axerophthol; -2 drops of Solutio oleosa of cholecalciferol; It is necessary to mix milk toppings with the egg thoroughly and continuously muddling, piece it together with milk. Then one ought to add the vitamins and pour in a thin stream of glucose and cevitamic acid, gradually agitating the mixture. The milk prepared for the puppies one may refrigerate during 24 hours, at that heating necessary dose to somatic temperature before nursing. Daily dose of milk mixture for a puppy depends on its age and is calculated in direct ratio to a pup’s age. 3-6 days-15-20%; 7-13 days-22-25%; 14-20 days -30-32%; 21 days and older-35-40%. First 5-6 days it is necessary to nurse the puppies after every 2 hours throughout the day. Starting with the second week the number of the feedings should be gradually reduced. If female does not nurse her kids during several days but then for some reasons does stop doing that at all, problems may arise.
Take a Look at the Collar in 3D