Articles about American Pit Bull Terrier
A quiet corner, as far as possible from radiator and especially drafts, is the best place for sleep. A mattress stuffed with hay and dressed in pillowcase, should be lodged there. It is preferably to cover the slippery floor with a carpet or big mat. Otherwise, the set of dog’s extremities may go bad from now forward. The size of dog bed must be such as pit bull should be able to fall all its length and feel comfortable there. As a place for pit bull terrier one may use open box with smoothly planed sides. The one of long sides should have a hole sawed out for the pet. Such box is very practical, because growing dog is very fond of chumping all and sundry but the accommodation makes it possible for the dog to welter in this pleasure without leaving the place and thus not causing particular damage to the room. One had better see about pup’s place in advance. Size of the box is selected in accordance with size of the dog. It is one size for puppies and another one is for adult dogs. As well as a dog room one can use a big basket with aperture to enter it. It will be the best thing if the basket has oval shape. There must be smoothly planed boards at the bottom of it. It is necessary to put the pet’s place in proper trim daily. One should clean the floor with wet duster, but dog bedding with vacuum cleaner. Once in every week it is recommended to wash the floor with abstergent and disinfectant, but launder the bedding. During shedding period the cleaning should be done twice a day. Aviary As a working dog, pit bull terrier is sometimes held in special aviary in the territory of which a booth is placed. It must contain enough room for rest. There are advisable booth sizes: width -1 m; depth – 0.8m; height – 0.7; the hole – 30* 40 cm. The floor should be elevated in order to avoid dampness. The floor as well as the sides should be double, and the interior space is to be packed with heat-protective material. By no means should one put the booth right on the ground or concrete. It is better to establish it on the bricks or cement blocks. The bottom of the booth is strewed with filing or there is dry bedding to be laid on that is changed at times. Sides of the booth should not have checks or chinks. So, these must be well greased with caulking. It is better if the entrance to the box is in the southern side that makes it possible for the dog to sit in the sun without going outside.