Articles about American Pit Bull Terrier
One should not forget that pit bull terrier must have broad thoracic cage. It is not too broad it is necessary to make special training with the dog. It is a very good exercise to be considered: an owner, standing on the hill with pit bull, throws a stick or a ball and the dog goes down to find the object and bring it back to its owner. Also, much depends on who the one to air the dog is. Of course it is desirable that the owner himself should walk his dog. He is able to educate the dog more effectively while walking. It is true, that the owner not always has enough time to spend on walking with his dog. In this case a member of his family can do outside with it. However, it is worth remembering that pit bull terrier is an active, strong and energetic dog. Either a child or a senior won’t be likely to prevail against pit bull, if the dog suddenly runs out onto the road. Pit bull should not play with other dogs or be without a leash till it learns to fulfill all the owner’s requirements and as long as the training lasts. In other dogs pit bull terrier rather sees rivals and if attacked the terrier can easily inflame and as a consequence bite the offender. But anyway one should not be afraid of pit bull terrier’s excitability: well-mannered dog stops fighting at the word of owner’s command. Furthermore, events prove that these dogs never spring on a puppy and a dog that is smaller than it, or attack another dog first. It is necessary to set the fighters apart simultaneously, at that both the owners should try to stroke their pets down. So that the problems should not arise when walking, it is advisable to keep young pit bull terriers away from big and hostile-spirited dogs but provoke them to defend themselves. If one did not manage to avoid battle (though such situation occurs on rare occasions) the owners should not stand aback but as soon as possible interfere with the incident and comfort their pets. However one needn’t pull back pit bull terrier by its collar from its opponent; to beat, scream or pour water to them is not right. Such methods as a rule turn out to be useless. It needs to watch the dogs lest they should begin biting each other. If this takes place all the same then one should unclench the jaws with flat plaque (thereat it is not recommended to use metallic objects because they can hurt dog teeth). Cleaning and bathing Pit bull should be cleansed every day. If it gets very dirty during walking or training the cleansing is repeated. During cleansing dust, dirt, dandruff and dead hair are removed from dog coat and skin. This procedure is good dermatophylaxis but as well it suscitates circulation of the blood and metabolic activity. Eyes and ears are cleaned with wet cloth. One should not only cleanse pit bull terrier but also bathe. It’s up to the owner to decide how often to do that. It all depends on peculiarities of the pet. In summer the dogs are washed more often then in winter, and when the ground is covered with snow then there is a snowy cleansing. Pit bull terriers are usually fond of bathing and swimming; they very quickly get used to this and do not disturb their owners. Swimming in the open reservoirs is very useful for dogs especially when it is hot. Swimming is very necessary as the cleansing is not able to remove completely all dirt and dandruff from dog hair and skin. At first the hair is bathed with warm water, further it is lathered with special shampoo or soap and then thoroughly washed. The procedure is reduplicated if necessary. After washing one should wipe the dog with towel and keep it standing till the hair dries up. Soapsuds should be washed away completely otherwise dermal irritation may appear. Too sentient dogs sometimes have eczema. . As a rule, the bathing is made monthly. If doing that very often, adipose tissues, being swept from the hair, won’t have time to reactivate themselves. Often bathing is recommended only if the dog has hypersecretion of oil glands. Feeding On appearance a new pet in the house, in the beginning one should nourish it with the food which it ate in its former dwelling, otherwise the pup will have start reading this article from the beginning please click on here..