When you compare pricing don’t forget to take into account what material products made of .For example – our harnesses made of full grain 100% high quality leather, some brands and/or resellers offer not leather products which mostly hold up just for few month

Constructed from finest quality soft and strong leather, this dog harnesses is very comfortable for a dog to wear incredibly strong. Like all our harnesses this one is also sewn with polyester thread and is fitted with high quality buckles to create resilient, robust harness, which will ensure comfort and security for years of dog walking or tracking.Tracking requires that the dog can pull into the harness, but still move freely, especially in difficult terrain.
Our spiked harness fits medium to large dogs.We offer this popular hand-made, non-restrictive type dog harness, because of its superior design. This harness has a padded breast plate to cushion the dog when it hits the end of the line while doing protection work.

1) One or more of the puppies inhaled fluid during birth, pneumonia develops and death occurs within 36 hours. 2) what if the mothers milk goes bad. You lose three of your four puppies before you discover what is wrong. You end up bottle feeding the remaining pup every two hours, day and night. After three days the puppy fades from infection and dies. 3) The puppies develop fading puppy syndrome you lose two. You bottle-feed or tube feed the last remaining baby. It begins to choke and despite your efforts to clear the airway, the pup stiffens and dies in your hands. 4) Your female develops mastitis and her breast ruptures. 5) Your female develops a uterine infection from a retained placenta. Her temperature soars to 105. You race her to the vet, he determines she must be spayed. He does the spay in an attempt to save her life, you pay the hundreds of dollars bill. The infection has gone into her blood stream. The infected milk kills all the puppies and the bitch dies a day later. 6) All the puppies are fine but following the birth the female develops a hormone imbalance. She becomes a fear biter and anytime anyone tries to touch her she viciously attacks them. 7) Mom and pups seem fine, the puppies are four weeks old and are at their cutest. However, one day one of the puppies disappears. You search everywhere but you can't find it. A few days later another puppy is gone. And another. You can't figure how on earth the puppies are getting out of their safe 4' x 4' puppy pen. Finally there is only one puppy left. The next morning you find the mother chomping contentedly on what is left of the last puppy she herself killed. What if the new homes are not so happy?....................... 1) You give a puppy to a friend. Their fence blows down so they tie the puppy outside while they go to work. A roving dog comes along and kills the puppy. Your friend calls you up to tell you about the poor little puppy and asks when you are having more puppies. 2) You sell a puppy to an acquaintance. The next time you see them you ask how the puppy is doing. They tell you that it soiled their new carpet so they took it to the pound 3) You sell a puppy to a friend (you give them a good price and payments). They make a couple of tiny payments. Six months later they move to an apartment. They ask you to take it back. You take it back and of course even the tiny payments stop.
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