Handmade custom Western Leather Dog Collar with turquoise stone for Pitbull.
This Western leather dog collar will fit dogs with neck size 18 inch and up to 32 inch (45 cm - 80 cm)
Also our Western dog Collar Is Extra Wide - approx. 1 1/2" - Which Makes It Perfect Tool For Handling Medium,Large And Active Breeds like Pitbull.

Western Leather Dog Collar w/h turquoise stones for Pitbull
This Western Pitbull dog Collar Is Made With 8 Symmetrical Proportional Silver Plated Round Rings With Gorgeous turquoise Stones in the center !
That Help Bring Out The Beauty Of This Hand Crafted Creation.
General "Woof" Collar Tip: When you need adjustable collar with more than just 1,2 or 3 notches/holes purchase one of our collars w3ith confidenceWe make our standard collars with at least 5 notches/holes to give your dog enough adjustment flexibility when your dogs goes on diet or grows/ gains some weightNo need to purchase new collar ...to start reading this article please click on here..At that it is necessary to count up the number of beats per a minute. Percussion frequency for normal dog ranges from 70 to 160 impulses per minute in adult dog and up to 200 impulses in puppies. If heart rate exceeds the limit or cardiac arrhythmia is clearly felt, one should urgently turn to a veterinarian. It is also possible to feel the pulse in the inner surface of the thigh at the knee. During examination one should pay attention to the dog’s breathing: if it is difficult, quickened, noisy, irregular, etc. All the enumerated signs indicate some inlying disorder and require urgent veterinarian’s appointment. Breathing rate is determined by counting up the number of inhales and expirations of the dog per minute. It is possible to calculate the rate by movements of chest or the alae of the nose. Normal breathing rate is 10-20 times a minute. Puppies breathe more often than adult dogs. Breathing rate sharply increase after training or playing, but also when pit bull is excited or frightened. Light conditions and season also influence process of breathing: in the night-time, motionless, the dog breathes scarcer; in summer in hot weather its breathing becomes more frequent.
Underpinning examination
One should know what this body part by feel in healthy dog is. Further when touching one will be able to determine easy whether dog belly is swollen and if there are tumors on it. Big belly can be consequent on dwelling of inner parasites in dog and that requires immediate examination and treatment. Old animals may have big belly due to fluid affluxion or metabolic disturbance.
Paw examination
Paw examination is made for checking of claw and pad conditions (whether there are wounds, fissures, splinters, attritions, traumas). It is necessary to check if there are plant seeds or glass chips between finger-pads, whether the claws outgrow or not, etc.
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