offers Round Ball Dog Chew Toy-Hygiene Dog Ball for Pitbull and puppies
Help your Pitbull support the dental hygiene in playful way.
Prevent tartar as well as plaque and massage the dog's gums .
Fight bad breath.
Dog toy dimensions:
- diameter - 2 inches(5 cm)
- weight - 1 4/5 oz (40 gram)

Round Ball Dog Chew Toy-Hygiene Dog Ball for Pitbull
Intended use for this dog toy:
* Support dental hygiene
* Prevent tartar
* Prevent plaque
* Massages dog's gums
* Fight bad breath
General "Woof" Tip: You should know that when your dog is properly measured that would be enough for making good fit muzzle, harness or collar.If someone says – don’t worry and order this muzzle , it will fit your dog for sure, you should be alerted – this is simply not true, some products have generic sizing but it is always good to check exact sizing info, as not all dogs have same body and head shape and size. Take Pup out to play. Have your two toys. There is a new game which the dog is going to be taught. A fast, exciting game. A game called “Two Toys”. Say you have tennis balls. You pitch the ball, dog goes and gets it, and brings it back. Perhaps the dog stands out of reach, teasing you, perhaps the dog approaches, but gets stressed at the thought of your taking the ball and refuses to let go. The more the dog “chunks” (someone’s term for biting down hard) on the tennis ball, the more stress he is showing. Not necessarily “bad” stress, but it tells you what is going on inside his brain. He is not comfortable at the thought of handing the ball over; he doesn’t want to loose what he’s got. Can you blame him? No. You can’t. So, we show the dog that by dropping what he has, you will give him what he wants… Simple, isn’t it? You show the dog the other ball. Now, in a perfect world, the dog will spit out his ball and redirect his attention toward your ball. If he does – wonderful! Throw the ball in a happy, spirited way, whooping and cheering! Calmly pick up the first ball and prepare to do this over again when he returns. The dog will very quickly pick up on the fact that spitting out the first ball CAUSES THE MORE REWARDING BEHAVIOR of you throwing the ball for him to CHASE AND GRIP. That part is, remember, more fun then standing there holding the ball. What if pup won’t give up ball one for your ball? :wallbang: This is where patience and intelligent understanding of your dog’s behavior come into play. This is where you “earn your money” as a dog trainer. Analyze why the dog won’t let go of his ball.. continue reading this article please click on here... Take a look at dog ball in 3D