What to do with milk teeth?
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June, 16, 2014
Every self-respectful dog owner always take care about his beloved pet. And this is right. Of course you know everything about your beloved Pitbull. We'd like to share with you some dog experts' advice about your doggy's milk teeth.
Pitbulls have exfoliation at the age 1-3 months. So at this time he/she may be running a temperature. Specialists advise over this period to hold back from long walks with your doggy and avoid various stressful situations.
Some specialists recommend to keep to a diet and rules of giving mineral feeding to your Pit. It’s recommended to exclude the games when you take away toys from his snout. This will prevent undershot. It’s advised to pull wobble tooth out. The removable tooth should be pulled to the side, but not the top.
So let your Pitbull puppy be always healthy. We’re always glad to know that your doggie feels good.
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